Tips for a Better Reading

For Readings you can bring questions in with you if you like. Most of the time your questions get answered before you ask!  You can also ask me throughout the reading if you would like me to expand on the information I am getting. 


I offer readings about Life Purpose, Relationships, Career Choices.  I do not offer Health Readings.  


During the reading I will ask you to validate information I am receiving. Just answer Yes, No, or Maybe. The less you tell me, the better your reading will be!  This process makes sure that we are only receiving information from your guides and your higher Self. Once I have gotten information about a particular subject that you resonate with, then feel free to tell me more about it! 


If you have a chance to quiet your mind with meditation or another stress reduction technique before your session, it will really help you to stay open during the reading. 


Take good notes! Write down everything even if it doesn't make sense to you. It will,  soon after the reading or down the road.


Dress comfortably. It is important that you are feeling completely comfortable and relaxed during your reading. Wear loose clothing... something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. The better you feel the better the reading will be.

Turn off your cell phone! If it rings it will disrupt my connection to spirit. If you need to keep it on vibrate so your loved ones can reach you for an emergency situation that is fine.

Take care of all your physical needs before your session. Make sure you eat, drink and use the restroom before your session. 


Most importantly, relax, keep an open mind and be in a state of allowing. That will make it much easier for Spirit to come through. I look forward to working with you and providing insight and comfort on your journey.