Are Tarot and Oracle Cards Valid? 


One of the common questions I receive from my clients is about the validity of Tarot and Oracle Card Readings. They wonder, how can a simple deck of cards with pictures offer any insight into the psychic plane?

From my perspective, the psychic plane is abundant with information, and various tools are used to tap into this infinite well to provide guidance. Tarot and Oracle decks are just one such tool. They serve as a gateway for psychics to connect with messages from other realms, using the images as a catalyst for insight.

One of the fundamental principles underlying the use of Tarot cards is the belief that Spirit is constantly attempting to communicate with us, albeit in ways that may not always be direct.  Since Spirit cannot physically sit beside us and engage in a conversation, it seeks alternative means to convey its messages. Tarot cards, among other tools used for divination, are considered sacred because they serve as a tangible conduit for these spiritual communications.

These cards beautifully reflect the multifaceted aspects of our earthly existence, depicting themes like loss, love, mystery, creativity, struggle, transformation, and grief.  I firmly believe that there are no wrong cards in a reading.  Regardless of the cards drawn, there is always a message from the other realms that relates to the current circumstances. It's the intuitive's role to decipher this message and convey it to the client.

I often liken this process to how a musician uses notes to craft a melody, an artist uses colors to paint a picture, or a chef uses utensils to prepare a dish. While the notes, colors, or utensils may remain constant, it's the unique combination and interpretation that create something new each time.  Similarly, the cards in a Tarot or Oracle Deck may stay the same, but it's the interpretation that weaves a unique story.  A skilled intuitive utilizes these images to bridge the gap to the realms where your story is woven, bringing that narrative to light for you.