Mystical Magical Crystal Remedies
for the Soul
What are you passionate about? What makes you want to get out of bed and start your day with enthusiasm? Are you having trouble figuring that out? Or are you aware of your creative passions but feel blocked or unmotivated? The vibrations of this remedy can help you unleash your imagination, spark new ideas and increase your creative spiritual flow. It can give you the juice you need to start a new project, clear any mental, emotional or soul challenges that may be in your way and jumpstart your creativity!
Dream Recall
Do you wish you could remember your dreams? Dreams are a great way of communicating with our soul. Sometimes we have dreams just to work out an emotional or mental issue we are having and sometimes dreams can be messages from our soul and Spirit guides. Wouldn’t it be great to remember the details of this very important sleep time travel? This remedy can help.
Higher Consciousness
What is higher consciousness? Could it be that it is the part of the human mind that is capable of transcending the ego? The wisdom of our highest self that still resides in the Spirit realm? The consciousness of our Great Creator? No matter how it is described there is a common belief that it is a part of ourselves that permeates our physical, emotional, mental and soul bodies with a wisdom beyond our conscious awareness. A place where our deep truth lies. If you are seeking your true north this remedy might help.
Inner Peace
In these challenging times one of the most important things we all would love to feel is inner peace. The vibrations of this remedy can help you feel contentment, acceptance, peace of mind, serenity, tranquility and peacefulness in body and soul. If you are frustrated and overwhelmed, this remedy could work for you.
We are all intuitive! Intuition is an amazing gift from our creator that we can use and tap into anytime we need to. It’s that inner knowing we have, that inner voice we hear, that image we see in our mind or that gut feeling that tells us something is or isn't quite right. Would you like to enhance these amazing gifts? This remedy can help you do just that.
This is the perfect remedy to have on hand for those times when life hits you unexpectedly with a circumstance or news that is frightening or overwhelming. This remedy has the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies to help you come back into balance.
New Beginnings
Have you suffered a loss and feel like you can’t move forward from it? Whether it be a job, a loved one, your home or any other challenging life experience? Do you need to make a fresh start but have no idea how to do it? This remedy can help you wipe the slate clean and start over.
Soul Contract
Do you ever ask yourself... Why did I come here? What is my life purpose? How come I keep repeating patterns on my journey? Why can’t I move past certain circumstances? If so, this remedy can help you become aware of your life purpose, life lessons, past lives, cellular memory, ancestral patterns and the greater meaning of this life experience..
Unconditional Love
How amazing would it be if we could feel unconditional love? If we could give and receive it freely? What if we could feel unconditional love for ourselves? Imagine affection without limitations…. loving another no matter what differences there may be.. imagine loving the self without any judgment. If you are struggling with giving and receiving love in your life or if you are having a hard time not beating yourself up for any reason this remedy may be for you.