Mystical Magical Crystal Remedies

for the Mind


Do you feel anxious or nervous during these challenging times?  Are you stressed out?  Is your plate too full?  Are you overwhelmed?   This remedy can help you calm down, chill out and relax.


Are you having trouble making decisions?  Are you having a hard time staying focused?   Does your mind feel bogged down by endless chatter?  Do you need help sorting out your inner belief patterns?  This remedy can help one with concentration, understanding and authenticity.


Do you have a hard time staying in the present moment?  Do you worry about the future by projecting worst case scenarios for yourself and others? This remedy can help you go with the flow and let go of things that are not serving your greater good. It can help you live your life one moment at a time.

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Fear can be a paralyzing emotion. It can stop us in our tracks without any notice.  It can move us to act and think in ways we don’t even recognize.  If you feel like you fear is getting in the way of you living a quality life, this remedy may help.  With the state of the world in disarray, are you finding that your worst fears are surfacing?  Do you have chronic fear?  Is your fear making you anxious, controlling and exhausted?  I created this particular gem elixir to help you face and release your deepest fears.  Give it a try. You have nothing to lose except your fear.



Do you have a hard time forgiving others and yourself?  Are you holding on to a lot of pain from things that happened in your past?  This remedy can help you release past hurts from people, places, things and life circumstances. It also can help you acknowledge some of the choices you have made that did not benefit you or others and encourage self forgiveness.



Are you feeling a bit scattered?  Are you having trouble settling into your life?  Are you feeling unsafe? This remedy can help one feel safe, secure and stable.  It can also help one feel more rooted in this physical incarnation.

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Are you feeling unhappy?  Are you struggling to feel joyous moments in  your day?  Do you have trouble allowing yourself to be happy?  This remedy can help one find happiness, bliss and an inner sense of well-being.

Mood Boost

Are you feeling melancholy?  Are you lacking motivation?  Are you feeling neutral about things?  Are you lacking a spark for life?  This remedy can help elevate the mood, uplift and inspire.


Are you feeling valueless at times?  Are you beating up on yourself?  Are you afraid to take the steps you need to fulfill your purpose?  Are you feeling “not good enough”?  This remedy can help boost one’s self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-sufficiency.

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Soul Remedies       Chakra Remedies