Mystical Magical Crystal Remedies
for the Chakras
Chakra 1 - Root
Stressing about money? Your home? Your job? Your health? Survival? This remedy can help you feel safe and secure around finances, more connected to the Earth Mother and more in touch with the physical body.
Chakra 2 - Sacral
Are you feeling blocked creatively? Are you wanting to make changes in your life? Are you trying to release your inner passions? This remedy can help one find their passions, birth new ideas, and find comfort in their sexuality.
Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus
Are you feeling powerless in certain situations? Are you hiding who you truly are? Are you afraid to take the next step on your journey? This remedy can help you increase your personal power and your warrior energy, become more authentic and encourage pro-activity. Balancing this chakra can enhance clairsentience, (a psychic sense of a clear or “gut” feeling).
Chakra 4 - Heart
Are you feeling unloved? Are you having trouble expressing love to others? Are you struggling to notice the love you have in your life? This remedy can help your relationship to oneself and others, enhance love and compassion, and promote psychic healing.
Chakra 5 - Throat
Would you like to communicate better? Would you like to be a better listener? Are you having trouble finding the right words to express your ideas? This remedy can enhance communication, self expression, and clairaudience (psychic sense of inner hearing).
Chakra 6 - Third Eye
Would you like to surpass your negative thoughts, worries, and fears and know your soul truly from within? This chakra holds all of your life experiences that are active in the mental body and helps you become aware of how they affect you. This remedy will help you gain insight, encourage spiritual reflection and enhance clairvoyance, (psychic sense of inner seeing).
Chakra 7 - Crown
Would you like to nurture your connection to the divine? This chakra is the energy center of universal knowledge. It influences the brain, the nervous system and the emotions. When this chakra is balanced there is a chance for true enlightenment.
All Chakra Balance
Are you feeling like you need an overall tune up? Or maybe you feel pretty good but just need a little tweaking? Do you feel like something is off in your Soul, Emotional or Mental bodies? This remedy helps balance all the Chakras, and is great for overall balance and wellbeing.