Mystical Magical Life … with Cyndy Ditto

A W.I.S.E Woman's Journey to Wholeness in Body, Mind and Soul. 

W.onder, I.ntuition, S.oul Connection, E.mbodyment

Is there more to you? Unlock your unexpressed potential!


In your essence, you are not built to do just one thing for your whole life ... 



Even if you feel content with your job!

I have had this issue my whole life.  I love to express myself through music, art, cooking and brewing potions! 

Every time I would follow a calling I got upset because I would leave behind something I loved. 

I  just didn’t have the time to do more than one thing or I just couldn’t focus on more than one. 

I always felt like I was giving up an important part of me that really needed to be expressed for me to feel like I was fulfilling my soul’s purpose.

What I was not aware of was that ...



So what does that mean? 

Well, the soul is always ready and able to do anything and everything that it needs to do… through you.   

You are the vessel...



And you came here equipped with everything you need to fully express yourself! 



Some ways we say no are: 

  • I just don’t have enough time
  • My day is completely booked.
  • I work too many hours and when I get home I’m tired.
  • I promised my friend I would help them move…. For the next month!

I am sure you can think of a few more.  And that’s ok.   Those thoughts are just there to help you see where you are resisting.  



When you remind yourself that you are limitless you will not dim your light at all!  You will shine brighter than the brightest star because it is your essence… it is who you really are. 

The big takeaway...


Don’t dismiss any of them.  Plan how you can make them a part of your life on a regular basis.  

Even 10 minutes a day doing something that has been on the back burner can uplift you and shift your attention to a soul focused life. 

What ideas are you telling yourself are crazy or impossible?  What do you love to do that you are resisting? 

Til Next time, 

Peace, Love and Blessings, 



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