Mystical Magical Life … with Cyndy Ditto

A W.I.S.E Woman's Journey to Wholeness in Body, Mind and Soul. 

W.onder, I.ntuition, S.oul Connection, E.mbodyment

Does your life feel Pointless, Routine and Mundane?

Those are pretty heavy words to use when describing life.  I remember when I would just go through the motions of my life because I thought I “had” to.  

No one was forcing me to do anything!  

I was making my own choices. 

Just NOT the ones that spoke to me from my heart and soul!

And that’s really the key to becoming a wise woman warrior.  

You MUST Live a Soul Focused Life!

 Let’s break down the words Pointless, Routine and Mundane



If life was really pointless then why would we wake up each day with a yearning for more?  

Deep down inside you know there is a very important point to your life.



Even when you can’t figure out what it is.  Every life experience is important. 

So what does pointless actually mean?  

Could it be that you feel like ...

  • What you are doing doesn’t have any impact on you or the world?
  • You try so hard but what you do doesn’t fill your soul with joy?  

If that’s the case then it's time to create life experiences that motivate you and feed your soul!



As far as routine’s, they can be very confusing.  

  • On one hand they can help us feel safe because we always know exactly what we are going to do. 
  • On the other hand they can leave us feeling bored with our life and the choices we have made.    

 We were meant to...

in this physical life expression!

NOT just go through the motions of life until we leave here.  

So if you are surrendering to your routines and they are keeping you from living the life of your dreams then it might be time to change them!  




What may seem mundane to you, could be exciting to someone else.  

I remember working at an art gallery.

Being a visual artist,  I thought this was going to be great!  

My job was to take beautiful pieces of art that meant so much to the artist and frame them, give them a protective home so they would be safe and preserved. 

Awesome right?



I was so uninspired! 

Everyone else was so happy to be doing it...except for me.  

So what was the difference?

I was not following my bliss! 

I was doing what others told me would be a good choice for an artist. 

I was settling!!  

So what’s the big takeaway? 



And the choices you make motivate you and create meaning in your life.  

So how do you know if you’re making the right choices?  How do you know if you're on the right path? 

Answer these questions to determine if you’re living your life on purpose ..

  • Are you settling?
  • Are you unmotivated by what is expected of you?
  • Are you following someone else's advice about how to live your life? 
  • Do your routines make you tired? 
  • Are you listening to your mind and not your heart and soul?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to... 



How can you do this today?   Let me help... Grab my free training, 

Peace, Love and Blessings, 
