Mystical Magical Life … with Cyndy Ditto

A W.I.S.E Woman's Journey to Wholeness in Body, Mind and Soul. 

W.onder, I.ntuition, S.oul Connection, E.mbodyment

Do You Feel Like You Have Outgrown Your Life?


This is what it could feel like....

  • Your favorite sweater just isn’t fitting you the way it used to, even though your body hasn’t changed.  
  • The taste of your favorite food just doesn’t excite you these days.  
  • Your life’s work doesn’t feel fulfilling anymore?
  • You used to like the hot weather but now you can’t wait for it to snow! 
  • You haven’t been drawn to your favorite hangout spot in ages. 

Sometimes you can know for a while that things are changing and feeling different on your life path and other times it can hit you like a whirlwind!  

 Either way… your soul is calling out for a change! 


For me it’s always been hard since I LOVE to do so many things!  Especially in the creative, intuitive and spiritual arts.  

I have walked down many avenues utilizing my talents in ... 

 I enjoyed all of them but with each there came a time when I knew that…



It was time to let go so I could open to what was nextThat’s the hard part.  Letting go of what we THINK is our identity.  

The truth is… NONE of those modalities and ALL of them ...

It was the attachment to the labels I had of being an “artist” a “musician”, a “psychic” and a “naturopath” that made leaving behind what I had outgrown so difficult.  

You are never a label!    You are an infinite being filled with the infinite possibility to create.  

It’s natural and necessary to outgrow your life! 

It means you have expanded to reveal more and more of your soul’s passions! 

What’s the take away?  

Be careful about what you identify as.  It could box you in and keep you from moving toward what’s next on your soul’s journey.  Pause … evaluate…recreate

What in your life feels “last year”?  What needs a makeover? 

Til Next time,

Peace, Love and Blessings, 



Are you ready to be in the drivers seat on your soul’s journey?