Mystical Magical Life … with Cyndy Ditto

A W.I.S.E Woman's Journey to Wholeness in Body, Mind and Soul. 

W.onder, I.ntuition, S.oul Connection, E.mbodyment

How Intuition Can Help Us With Our Decision Making Process!


Hey mystical magical wise woman! 

Today, we’re exploring how intuition can help us with our decision making process. 

It seems like we always have countless decisions to make, big and small.  From really life changing ones like choosing a career path to really simple things like  deciding what to have for breakfast.  


The truth is, our choices shape our reality! 


But what if I told you that there is a way to make these decisions with more clarity and confidence?  That’s where our intuition comes in. 



You know, a lot of people talk about intuition as a gut feeling, a hunch, or a sense of knowing without logical reasoning.  But to me it is much more than that.  


It’s a deep connection to the

universal source of all wisdom!  


And when we can sense that inner voice that guides us,  we navigate through our days so much easier. And most of the time, we can't even explain why we know something… we just do.  


And that is how connecting to our intuition helps us make decisions.  It allows for our higher self to run the show. 



So how does intuition actually help us make decisions? 


The first thing I want to talk about is authenticity. 


Intuition is like a compass that points us toward our true north.  



So, by taking just a little time to develop our intuitive abilities, we can connect more deeply with our authentic selves.  From this state, we get clearer about who we are, about our values, our desires, and our goals.  


Being this self aware is a key component to making decisions that align with who we are at our core.


Another way intuition helps us

make decisions is by

creating a bridge between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind.  


This way we can access hidden wisdom. 

Well it’s not really hidden, it is actually waiting just under the surface for us to access it! 


When you think about how much information our subconscious mind processes everyday, there is no way for our conscious mind to be aware of all of it unless we actually take the time to connect to our intuition.


That is how we access all of this vital information.  The deeper the connection is,  it will help us when we are faced with complex decisions where the logical mind falls short. 


Opening up to our intuitive selves taps into our emotional intelligence. 


When we are connected to our soul, we have the ability to understand and really manage our emotions. 


Because at that heightened awareness  we become more attuned to how we accurately feel.


So making decisions from that place leaves us feeling confident about our choices, because we take into account not just facts, but feelings authentic feelings.  


Our intuition is also amazing at grounding us. 


We know that life is full of surprises and sometimes we are forced to make quick decisions in high-pressure situations.  When we are connected to our Soul it can help us stay calm.  Find our center, making it easier for us to make thoughtful decisions even in the midst of a day that feels like a whirlwind. 

You can really dive deep into developing your intuition if that is what you are drawn to, but it also doesn't have to be complicated. 


Start simple by meditating for a few minutes each day to quiet your mind and connect with your inner wisdom. 



So, are you ready to unlock the power of your intuition and make decisions that align with your authentic self? 


Just keep trusting your inner wisdom, and watch as your life transforms in really magical ways.


Magical Blessings, Cyndy

P.S.  If you are interested in 5 Unique Ways to Connect to Your Intuition, click on the FREE training on the right side of this blog.