Mystical Magical Life … with Cyndy Ditto

A W.I.S.E Woman's Journey to Wholeness in Body, Mind and Soul. 

W.onder, I.ntuition, S.oul Connection, E.mbodyment

A Reminder… What you are thinking of right now is getting bigger!

Have you ever heard the saying ...



It may sound pretty simple, but it really does carry  a lot of truth and power when it comes to our thoughts and emotions. 

Basically, the more we focus on something, the more it manifests in our lives.

Early on in my life I used to just let my thoughts run wild.  I have an incredible imagination so I would think of every possible scenario.  Sound like you? 

It wasn’t until I took control of my thinking and practiced mindfulness that my life started to unfold toward my dreams. 

Lets talk about how this principle works and explore how we can tap into the power of our thoughts to bring about positive change.



First let’s look at the science behind it.

It all comes down to neuroplasticity. Our brains are pretty amazing and adaptable. They can change over time based on our experiences and thoughts.

So, the more we focus on something, the more our brains create neural pathways that reinforce those thoughts or experiences.


Try to picture this…


When we focus on positive thoughts and experiences, our brains create more of those pathways, and they become stronger with time.

On the flip side, if we constantly dwell on negative thoughts and experiences, we end up creating more of those pathways, which become stronger as well.


and where we're placing our focus.


So here are 5 ways to harness the power of our thoughts to create positive change in our lives:

  1. Practice Mindfulness

  2. Embrace Gratitude

  3. Visualize Your Success

  4. Use Positive Affirmations 

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity


An important thing to remember here is that it’s hard to always be positive.  It’s not even healthy. 


When we create contrast in our thoughts from challenging experiences it just helps us get clearer on what we really want. 

It’s our reaction to the tough experiences and the stories we write about them that gets us into trouble. 

Allow your feelings, no matter what they are, and then turn them around as quickly as you can. 

To sum things up...

the principle of "what you focus on expands" reminds us of the immense power of our thoughts and emotions. By being mindful of where we place our focus, we can



Practicing the 5 steps of mindfulness, gratitude, visualization, positive affirmations, and surrounding ourselves with positivity allows us to create new neural pathways that reinforce our positive thoughts and experiences.

Remember, it takes practice and dedication, but the journey towards a more positive mindset is absolutely worth it in the end.

 Peace Love and Blessings, Cyndy


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